Every industry changes over time. In the right amount, change is good and should be welcomed. It allows the industry to move forward as a whole & keep up with the modern world. Similarly, the construction industry has witnessed a shift in terms of the transformed supply change, use of machinery/equipment, and so on. Recently, the outbreak of pandemic seems to have pushed the industry more towards technology.

The home improvement & construction industry has been far from technology in internal business processes until now when it witnessed a deep immersion of technology. This year, with social distancing being the norm, one could not simply reach out to the next colleague for assistance with billing, etc. In such a situation, technological advancements came to the rescue, furnishing individuals with even more accuracy and speed than before. Let’s go over the top trends from 2020 that are here to stay.

Building Information Modelling (BIM)

BIM is an impactful piece of tech that has found its way in years to come. It uses computer-generated images to create buildings and other utilities.

This allows you to have a good look at the project before it starts. From it, useful information like materials required, placements of exit routes, etc. can be gathered. All professionals involved can be given access to these images. For example, the architect can see how their design will look when completed, allowing them to tweak their design before it’s too late. This process goes a long way in minimizing the wastage of raw materials, labor, and, most importantly, time.

Augmented Reality

Virtual or augmented reality has now been in the market for many years. Recently, it made its way into the construction industry, because this technology is more stable than before and produces more accurate results.

This allows the user to experience a 3-dimensional, 360-degree view of the project. They can place themselves on any floor or room. Better versions also help in the virtual addition or deletion of layers like paint or a false ceiling.

It could also be used for mock situations. Training and preparing your staff for a hazardous situation in the workplace will help them deal with the problem better.

Management Software

Construction management software is another change that is here to stay. It helps to improve operational efficiency.

This software tracks and monitors almost every aspect of the project when it is running. It provides real-time data of documents, budgeting, and inventory. All these aspects help in maximizing the work output while keeping all wastage to a minimum.

An additional advantage to these is the ease of access and integration. Not many efforts are required to integrate the software into a running project. You get all updates on either mail or real-time on your hand-held devices. There are many benefits to these; know all about them here.


Software is not the only one making it through; there are breakthroughs in robotics too. Drones have gained popularity in the construction industry. Its usage is fairly new in this industry, but it is already giving out good results.

Drones are usually used for surveying. Their ability to quickly map out large areas helps collect survey data. They can feed live footage to your device with video surveillance, making it perfect to check problems at a height. This in turn helps in minimizing injuries to workers.

All these help with the work, making it more effortless and safe. It also helps in saving a lot of precious time. Here are some more time management tips which will help you avoid losing control of a project.

Here at CustomFin, we help you keep up with the latest shifts and trends of the industry. These tips can help you stay at the top. In addition to that, we also partner with home improvement contractors to find solutions to their client’s financing problems.

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