The construction industry uses a lot of raw materials from across the world. Some of these have been in the industry for a long time. They help in forming mixtures like concrete, which is then used to make reliable structures. 

These raw materials are natural or synthetic, but a less known fact is some of them are hazardous for human beings. They might not poison you instantly, but prolonged exposure could cause health problems of varying degrees. Your sense of sight or smell can not catch directly these chemicals, but they are present. You might inhale the fumes emitted unknowingly, while others cause reactions on the skin upon contact. 

With advanced knowledge, scientists can now pinpoint the exact chemicals that are harmful. Let’s go over a few of them. 


Lead is a heavy metal that is denser than others. It is used in roofing materials and plumbing pipes. Due to their low melting point, you might have even heard about lead-based paints. 

It is one of the most poisonous substances, causing many problems. It can get into the bloodstream, accumulating in bones and tissues. This could lead to malfunction of the nervous system. Harsher conditions include brain disorders, kidney damage, and blindness. 

PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride) 

PVC is a strong plastic that is used in many areas in this industry. It is the third-most widely produced synthetic plastic with an average production of 40 million tons in a year. Due to the importance of drainage, this is used in making pipes. These pipes are lightweight but strong, making these a viable option for plumbing uses. This is also used to insulate electric cables, flooring, and even wall coverings. 

As it is not a natural green product, it has harmful effects. It contains chemicals such as phthalates and dioxins that can interfere with human hormones. This affects the pancreas, pituitary gland, and sometimes the reproductive gland. 


Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral. Its insulation properties make it useful to mix with cement, plastic, and other materials to improve their composition. Popular in the early 1900s, asbestos saw its way into the construction industry and it might be in homes built around that time. 

There are various kits on the market to help test the presence of asbestos. The high precaution is because of its ability to affect the lung, eventually causing lung cancer. 


Cadmium is a soft metal that shows excellent corrosion resistance. This property has seen it being used to safeguard steel. They can also be found in solar cells, alloys, and rechargeable batteries. 

The fumes formed from these can be mixed up in the air. Breathing air that contains high levels of cadmium can cause minor symptoms like nausea or stomach cramps. In worse scenarios, it can lead to inflammation of lung tissues and death. 

Keep these chemicals and their after-affects in mind while buying raw materials for work. You can read their chemical composition before buying or if the source is trusted, you can ask them directly. These can cause problems in smaller amounts, too. That is why it is suggested to always clean up your client’s site after work. 

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