One of the prime objectives of any business, including home improvement contractors, is to grow. Home Improvement is a fiercely competitive space. As a contractor, you need to be above the rest to stand a chance to obtain the customer base that you desire. That is where the marketing aspect comes into play.

Sure, the old classic word-of-mouth method works great, but you will eventually grow to a state where you realize that it works only to a certain extent. Here are some tips which you should keep in mind to outpace your competition and deal with business anxiety like a pro.

1.  Build an attractive and professional website

Like your office makes a statement about you, your website represents who you are in the digital marketplace. In this day and age, where people are so reliant on technology, it is of prime importance that you have your digital presence through which people can know about you.

A good website answers many questions that new customers can have, like who you are, where you are, how you operate, etc.


2.  Make a recognizable brand

Invest in things like a professional logo, a brand tagline and proper uniforms that your staff can wear or carry while working. It will serve the dual purpose of showcasing your professional standards as well as captivating others who might be looking for a similar service.

The idea would be to catch their attention without uttering a single word to sell your services.


3.  Pay heed to online reviews

As mentioned earlier, the online presence of your business matters a lot and the reviews that people leave behind play a major part in it. For instance, if your business has had only solid positive reviews in the past, it will undoubtedly induce more confidence in new customers who are thinking of choosing you.

Do keep an eye on the negative reviews which roll in, too! The way you respond and handle them shows your company values.


4.  Start with email marketing

A fast and efficient way of holding on to existing customers and simultaneously targeting potential customers is by maintaining a good email chain. After obtaining the email addresses of your customers, both current and potential, you can create and send them newsletters or flyers containing your updated services, new information or even potential discounts, tailor-made for them to enjoy!


5.  Stay loyal to customers for long term success

Having a good relationship with your customers speaks volumes about your business. Make sure that the customer feels happy & satisfied. One of the best ways to do this is by introducing a referral system. For every new customer that you get through a referral, give your old ones some extra benefits, discounts or a token to show that they are important to you.


A great marketing strategy can do wonders for your home improvement business. Another thing, many firms are benefiting from, is by providing their clients with additional services like financing. As a contractor, you know how expensive home improvement services can be. Thus, many homeowners prefer financing their projects. As a result, home improvement contractors have now started offering easy financing solutions to their customers. It gives their business an edge over the others and improves their chances of success with clients. Make sure that you’re not left behind.

Sign up with us to keep up to speed with the ever-changing world and provide easy financing options to your clients.

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