Every comprehensive home improvement project needs to consider the drainage system. It might not be the focus of a homeowner who’s excited to discuss the walls & other exterior elements, but it certainly is one of the most important things that can influence your plan. This system is essential both for a building or a house.

Lack of a proper plan can result in standing water at the base of the house. Apart from the foul smell it gives off after some time, it has many other problems too. Here are some of the main reasons that make the drainage system a vital part of your project’s blueprint.

Prevents Accumulation Of Water

Perhaps the most basic function of a drainage system is to prevent the accumulation of water. When gathered in an area for a long duration, water can turn into an enemy. The stagnant water is a breeding ground for mosquitoes and a good medium for unhealthy bacteria to grow and thrive.

Additionally, it could also become a physical inconvenience. In worst cases, water gets accumulated in the basement, causing all kinds of problems, even damaging other assets.

Helps Avoid Termites

Without sufficient drainage, the house becomes damp. Termites are drawn to places having high moisture. Once a house has been infested with termites, it can be very difficult to get rid of them.

Termite infestation can even lead to structural complications if not treated soon.

Prevents Molds & Fungus

The damp environment not only attracts termites but also promotes the growth of molds and fungus! There are many types of fungi out of which some could be dangerous to health.

With drainage, the water seeps into the sewer system, leaving the house in optimum condition. This condition is not favorable for either of them to grow.

Protects Top-Soil

The dangers are not limited to the inside of the house. When diverted to the garden, excess water can wash off the nutrients from land or even the topsoil itself. This is how a problem within the house can eventually spread throughout the property.

The topsoil is significant to plants, the absence of which can be challenging for gardening.

Prevents Unstable Foundation

Water can seep in. The absence of a drainage system will allow the water to flow to lower surfaces freely. Just because your client does not have a waterlogged basement does not ensure that their house is safe.

The water can flow down the last floor and into the soil underneath. This type of water accumulation is the most dangerous of all. The problem is not visible directly, but it can destabilize the foundation of the house.

No Water Wastage

Along with a drainage system, you can pitch the installation of a rainwater harvesting system too. This system helps to utilize the rainwater for other needs.

Both of these systems go a long way in reducing the wastage of water. Environment-friendly options are what many homeowners desire these days.

A sound drainage system can also increase the value of the property. Such a project should be handled with care if you do not want your client rining in with complaints or bad-mouthing your business. You would be shocked to know that the home improvement industry has the second largest number of recorded complaints.

We at CustomFin, help you understand ways to win over your clients. One of them is solving their financing problems to take up a remodeling project. We help contractors accelerate their cash flow by enabling them to offer finance to their customers.

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