The kitchen is the heart of a house. It is the place where the whole family can gather and together perform some chores over a meaningful conversation. Hence, it should be functional, welcoming and practical all at the same time. However, many people are currently living with a kitchen which is nowhere to their liking, and are either lazy or just scared of the whole remodelling. If asked from professionals, they can bet upon the importance of a well-planned and executed kitchen.

Approaching this project, be it a major or minor remodelling, with the right plan and professionals is the best way to tackle it. If you’re a contractor, you will already be aware of it but your customers might not. In this blog post, we’re going to help you explore and burst some common kitchen remodelling myths. So the next time you come across any, you’d already know how to answer.


Myth: Professionals aren’t really needed

It is the most common myth related to kitchen remodelling that lies farthest from the truth. Many people think that some reality shows on remodelling and basic research can give them a better understanding of it. But buying a few expensive fixtures, that one sees on screen, are of no help.

As a professional, you can help your client create a systematic plan taking into consideration the placement of objects, lighting, etc. While your client might focus on the looks, you are the one who can make it functional as well as manageable.


Myth: Kitchen remodel isn’t worth the time and money

Remodeling a kitchen can make it temporarily out of use. The inconvenience makes people reluctant. Also, the financial implications it has is another drawback.

However, if you make your client look at the benefits, they might understand its worth. A kitchen remodel doesn’t just beautify their kitchen, rather it enhances its functionality. Transforming your client’s kitchen into a smart kitchen will make cooking easy and fun with better food/equipment storage and waste management. As a professional, you could also help your client with the choice of appliances suitable for their kitchen.


Myth: To go as the heart pleases without a solid plan

Getting into any project without a plan is a horrible mistake. Can you imagine starting your next kitchen remodel project without a proper laid out plan? Sounds like a disaster! Do not let your client step into the hellhole they might not be able to identify now.

Kitchen remodelling improves its functionality and increases the value of your whole house. So is the remodel based solely on improving the valuation or is the kitchen more of your forever kitchen? You need to identify your client’s needs & budget, choose the materials, and present an estimate accordingly. If your client is still struggling with budget & wants, click here to help them crack their kitchen remodel plan.


Myth: Trendy is better

Kitchen remodelling blueprint should be based on your client’s likes and needs, not solely on whatever is trending in the industry right now.

Another thing to keep in mind is that the whole remodel of your client’s kitchen should match the tone of their house. For instance, you cannot remodel the kitchen around yellow colour just because it made on the magazine cover this season. Instead, you can suggest them evergreen elements like whites on the cabinets and naturally-coloured granite.


I hope this read will help you answer your clients the next time they come up with one of these myths. After all, it’s your responsibility to educate your clients and show them the way to best results. In case your client is reluctant due to insufficient funds, there are ways to finance a kitchen remodel. How? Partner with CustomFin & we will help you finance your clients so they can buy your products/services right now.

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