Growing as a contractor, you will undeniably want to take up large-scale projects. Even if you are dealing with small projects at present, your workers and staff members help you establish your credibility and reputation here. It’s their dedication & passion for work that can win your business big projects. Every top contractor has a reliable team of people. This team represents the contractor, so, many times, a lot will be riding on their shoulders.

Picking and managing an efficient team can be a big make or break for you and your projects. A tight-knit team works like a well-oiled machine, and therefore, it is important that you pay attention to these points for better team management.


Work Closely While Hiring

Building your desired team starts at the very first step. Try to conduct the final round of interviews while hiring or leave that task to someone who has the same work ideals and ethics as yourself. This way, you can see to it that the person joining your team shares the same work view and an eye for quality.

Train Your Employees

The team you build should consist of individuals who know what they are doing and hold expertise in their respective fields. But sometimes, you may come across someone who might not have experienced hands but untapped potential to grow. Keep those people around and train them to suit your work style.

Don’t limit the knowledge you impart to the beginners; try to train your employees on a regular basis.

Communicate Clearly

Try to be as transparent as you can with your team. Let them know about the scope of the project before you begin working on it. After you come up with the plan, communicate clearly what each of them has to do in order to finish the project on time. With bigger projects, inadequate time management causes downfall (click here for tips to prevent that).

Schedule Regular Meetings

When on a project, schedule meetings with your workers. Keep the meetings open to discussion about the current project (objectives, pending work, etc.), but also touch on subjects like whether your staff has the requirement for any special gear or are they facing any issues. Taking care of your staff will encourage them to work more honestly with you.

Analyze Their Work

As the head of the project, keep a close eye on their work and, more importantly, how they are doing it. Some of them might be slacking off while others might be working harder than expected; make note of such observations along with their strengths and weaknesses for further review and action.

Praise And Healthy Criticism

Make your work expectation and vision clear to your employees from the very beginning. Inculcate the value of healthy criticism to promote chances of improvement. Keep those around who can take criticism positively and learn from it rather than be sore about it. That said, as a leader, your review should not limit to the negatives. Praise your staff for their achievements so that they feel motivated to perform even better.

A good set of people around you will make your work easier and help you build a positive reputation in the market. That is why it is necessary to choose your team carefully.

We at CustomFin know the value of a good team as we work together with various contractors to help them solve the financing needs of their clients. Want to partner with us?

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