The roof of the house is a sturdy structure that is responsible to shelter a house. With passing time, the support of the roof can lose its strength due to multiple factors. Eventually, in worst-case scenarios, there are even chances of a roof collapse!

Roof collapse can be dangerous for people residing in the house. It is indeed severe, but an avoidable disaster. As a responsible contractor, you can inform your clients with the following tips to prevent a roof collapse.

Watch Out For Nature

Houses in the area that experience snow are more prone to roof collapses. The beautiful snow can become an enemy as layers and layers of it accumulate over the roof. When that limit crosses the roof’s weight barrier, it could come crashing in. Thus, it is important to remove excess snow carefully from time-to-time.

Another natural element that can damage a roof is enormous trees. These trees have extended branches that can be deadly. In case of strong winds, bigger branches can break and fall directly on the roof, causing collapse.

Keep The Drains Clear

Usually, the houses that are in areas receiving snow have efficient drainage to get rid of water. These drains should be maintained and cleaned regularly. Many times these are clogged with debris or dry leaves blocking the water; this seeps into the foundation of the roof & causes severe damage. Over time, the structural integrity of the roof is compromised. The roof then becomes prone to collapse. This is why keeping the drains clear is a small but necessary task.

Roof Additions

Every roof has a weight limit set. Some homeowners tend to make roof additions without keeping this weight limit in mind. Smaller addition like a satellite television device is fine. But you need to guide your clients if, for instance, they are planning on installing a secondary water tank for their needs.

The addition of a solar panel on the roof is a great idea. If it can support the weight, solar panels are a green energy option that can reduce your client’s electricity bill by a good margin. There are many benefits of green energy projects in home improvement for your business as well.

Regular Maintenance

Besides these, there are many more factors that contribute to the good health of a roof structure. The best way to avoid the problem is by planning for it early. Timely maintenance of the roof will help identify problems while they are not critical. This will ultimately save your client’s money, time, and also panic if the roof would have collapsed. In case of repairs, these are the things your customers should know.

Looking after a roof is important. However, should something terrible happen, here’s the guide to fix a collapsed roof.

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