You must have heard or experienced these words, ‘Every business has its ups and downs’. This is true and guiding your employees through tough times is a part of running a successful business. But amidst a crisis, things can become complicated. 

The intensity & nature of a crisis can vary every time. The recent COVID-19 pandemic is a fresh example of a global crisis. You can encounter industry-specific or even regional problems! 

The common point in this is that you, your business, and everyone involved would be going through a tough phase. There is no specific plan that will give you guaranteed results in this case, but these tips will help you navigate through this problem. 


This is maybe one of the most important things to do in any tough situation. Do not hide facts. When there is any unavoidable bad news, be the one to break it to the people working with you instead of letting them know from other sources. The latter would create more confusion to an already existing problem. 


There would be an established means of communicating news within your business. Use that to inform your employees about the problem and proposing an initial counter. Try to keep them in the loop as much as possible. This will help create a channel of trust and understanding between you and your team. 

Be Empathetic 

If it is a situation that is affecting people globally, you need to handle it with more care. There could be an evident drop in productivity at work. These are not the times to impose strict rules but to show your empathetic side. Understand the problem your employees must be facing and try to either provide solutions or support to them. 

Make Sure Their Voices Are Heard 

These could mark the start of confusing times. Employees might discuss problems and possible solutions that might be different from what you are planning to impose. Create a channel for their voices to be heard. You can use this to connect with them and maybe land on solutions that you couldn’t before. 

Strong HR Management Team 

The Human Resource Management team works more closely with the employees in many companies. They are usually the ones people turn to first when they are facing a problem at work. A strong HR team will act as an added benefit when you try to unify your employees during a crisis. They could provide useful points to help you develop a plan that can look out for everyone. In cases of problematic people, they can help you shrug dead weight off your team too. 

Actions Speak Louder 

Being empathetic is important but all words and no actions won’t gain you any trust. Take some time aside and set face to face meetings with as many people as possible. Do not just say, instead show that you care. You can build a structure to reward your employees and maintain morale. 

In tough times like these, your priority should shift a little from making money to saving your team. Happy employees are essential to establish a long-lasting business. There are ways to make your business thrive amidst the chaos, find out how. 

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