Business around festivals is a bit different. Christmas is one of the major festivals of the year. What makes this time crucial is its festivities and proximity to the New Year.

Consumer behavior changes around this time of the year, but many businesses fail to adapt to it. Promotion of your business, operations, and dealing with clients—everything changes. Here are major mistakes to avoid heading into this wonderful festival.

Poor Leave Management

Efficient staff management is very important in business. Everyone has their way of celebrating this festival; some move to meet their families around this time. That would mean an extended period of leave. Failure to manage the allocation of leaves for your staff would leave you short-handed for the projects coming in.

Ask your staff to drop in their leave applications well before time. Use a system to track all of these. This way you can allocate days of leaves, canceling some and moving the others. This is very important to follow smooth operations through the holiday season.

Going With The Same Advertising

Advertising is how people get to know about the services that you are offering. It can be seen that consumers tend to spend more freely during these times. Your advertisement campaigns should help put your name to the right people.

A change is advised both in the advertising campaign and its budget. An increased budget will allow you to reach out to more people. Your advertising should prioritize showing special seasonal discounts and offers. You can even opt for email marketing to give special offers directly to loyal customers.

Inability To Adapt

Time to open some old books and spreadsheets. Read and analyze your business trend during this time over the years. This will help you determine your personalized dos and don’ts list.

The offers that worked out for you previously are tried and tested, they could potentially work again. This applies to your mistakes as well! Understand your shortcomings and failed ideas, learn from them, and take better decisions this year to improve your output.

Static Website & Social Media

Consumers are seen to spend a lot of their time online during the holidays. Everyone is browsing, looking for either something specific or just general things to relax. Having an online presence that cannot work this to your advantage is a failed opportunity.

Prepare an impactful landing page to boost your SEO. This will help bring natural traffic and viewership to your website. Use attractive deals made into posts for your social media to target the right customers for your services. Understand how social media helps your online presence.

Not Getting Extra Help

Winters are a great time to go for a remodel. Many homeowners would look to have their project completed before the next year starts.

Bearing the festivities in mind, be prepared for being short on staff. Do not shy away from getting extra help to take up any project that comes your way. You can get subcontractors to help you with active projects. With their expertise in the field, you can complete the work with more efficiency and lesser time. Here are the details to look at while hiring a subcontractor.

Following these tips to cruise through the holiday season with relative ease.

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