Taking up any remodeling project means inviting lots of responsibilities. Along with delivering good quality work and keeping your clients happy, you also have to pay attention to keeping your staff content. It includes keeping your staff safe at all times in and around the work premises, which is your biggest responsibility as a contractor.

There are many accidents which can happen in the workplace, a common one of them is accidents related to electricity. Each year records thousands of mishaps that relate to electricity issues during construction or remodeling projects. You need to be aware of them and stay alert to avoid something like that happening to your staff.


Improper Wiring

The wiring determines the flow of electricity. If not done properly, it can turn into an undesirable disaster waiting to happen. Problems like short wiring, wiring of the wrong size, or unprotected wires can be dangerous in the home improvement business as any contact with them could result in a shock. Before you begin to work in the part of your client’s house with wiring, check if it is properly secured using staples and cable trays.

Lack of Proper Equipment

Any specialized work requires special gear to successfully complete the task in hand with the least number of accidents. For instance, when dealing with winter conditions, you have to keep certain points in mind (click here to see). Likewise, any work, around or related to an electric setup, should be handled with people who are wearing the proper equipment to deal with it. Basic protective kit for this task includes and is not limited to: hard helmets, cotton clothing with a preferred insulated jacket, gloves, and shoes made of leather or rubber and protectors for eyes and ears.


Forms of water are good conductors for electricity. Therefore, you should always be aware of all the water and moisture that is around the electric system during work. Strict rules should be followed while dealing with the same. Staff members should be strictly prohibited to use wet gloves or shoes near that space.

Human Error or Carelessness

We are ultimately human beings and not machines coded to perform the job perfectly. Hence, there is a very high chance that during the whole project, a few accidents can happen. It can be due to the lack of focus while managing wires or electric circuits or the sheer carelessness of any staff member.

Make sure that you prepare for such emergencies by keeping a basic first aid kit at the project premises. Do not think twice before calling the medicals should any major accident occur.

Stick To The Code

Stay up-to-date with the codes and procedures published by the National Electric Code. It will help in completing the remodeling project without violating any law while also making sure that the project is safe for future use.

Unlike other areas, electrical problems can fast get nasty. A shock of higher degrees can even permanently affect your staff member. Make sure that you plan your work in such a way that you avoid as many accidents as possible during your project. You can also hire a subcontractor to help you out, here are some tips to keep in mind while hiring one.

Remodeling often invited many changes and the money requirements for such projects can get high. Have you already introduced your customer with the hefty bill they are expected to pay? Well, if you have, then it’s time you give them a hand of help by providing them with easy financing options. Here at CustomFin, we help contractors finance their clients in an easy & reliable way.

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