Homeowners take their entertainment seriously. Out of the various items for entertainment, one exists in almost all houses, television.

Televisions are so widely used in the world that most households term them as a necessity instead of an entertainment factor. Nowadays, owners add a TV to multiple rooms in the house. Even then, the main one (usually the biggest) is situated in the living room.

Your clients might ask you to stylize the TV room, so here are some ways to improve the setup.

A Stylish Wall

A big television takes up a major area in the wall it is fixed on. Even if it mounted, the TV is undeniably the point of attraction of that side of the room. To pull focus on that, you can suggest a different style for that wall. The most basic idea is changing the paint of that wall. You can use a different material like a stone around it to add more character.


The TV can be mounted on a TV stand. You could argue that it’s an old concept, but when done correctly, it can do wonders.

For minimalistic style, suggest a monochrome stand with storage options attached. These will be perfect to keep the remote and other things when not in use. There are many stylish stands of unique shapes in the market.

Floating Shelves

If your client wishes to have the TV on a wall mount, worry not, floating shelves are here to save the day. These can be attached with ease to any type of wall. The right one can complement both the wall and the television.

These shelves can be used to keep books, the Wi-Fi router, or even a potted plant! Make sure that you convey the weight limit on them to your client to avoid any accidents in the future.


Proper lighting can shift the focus. If your clients are particularly proud of their TV, use lighting in the room to highlight it. Pendant lights hanging at a distance on both sides of the setup will look good and provide ample lighting. For nighttime, you can suggest installing LED strip lights to the back of the television. When switched on, these provide a dim light in the background to avoid a pitch-black room.

For rooms that don’t have another floor above them, you can suggest skylights for fresh natural light.

Complementary Additions

Numerous tech additions pair well with a good TV. The obvious choice is a home theatre system. It helps enhance the viewing experience by bringing theatre-like sound to the room. These can be placed on the shelves or the TV stand.

Smart televisions can pair up with smart home devices like Amazon Alexa and Google Nest. This can allow voice control to work on the TV. In case your client has many electronic devices, suggest them to add a safety switch to the circuit.

Adding or transforming a fireplace elevates the look of the area and can help with heat distribution during winters. A perfect TV room could be a good talking point. You might even get some referrals through them.

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