A garden is an elegant and welcoming addition to your client’s home, adding to its natural beauty. Many people are opting to have a garden, even if it is small, to improve their living space.

Looking at it from a distance, a garden renovation could sound less prone to mistakes when compared to other improvement projects like the bathroom or the kitchen, but it carries its fair share of complications. It is not as easy as taking a shovel, planting, and repeating till the space becomes green, but it can be a lot simple if you avoid these common mistakes.

Buying Large

Let’s just say, the easy way isn’t always the best way. Choosing fully-grown plants from the nursery straight away to ensure that the garden looks more full and mature does not come cheap. There is a considerable difference in price between a one-gallon and a five-gallon pot.

Another thing to take into consideration is that the people who opt for a garden usually love the process of gardening too. Getting smaller plants to start will give them a sense of happiness watching them grow over time.

Too Near or Too Far

While planning the positioning of the plants, any extreme is undesirable. Letting huge gaps between plants will take away from the beauty of the space and also will hamper their pollination.

On the other side, planting them too close to each other will make them fight for the natural resources available. This will have a negative effect on their growth and overall lifespan. Another reason is to avoid cluttering; the garden should not end up looking like a wild forest.

Sunlight & Seasons

Plan the positioning in such a way that the plants that require more sunlight are facing the sun when it comes up and when it’s at its peak.

Be aware of the climate around the space of your project. Do not swing towards installing just plants which will provide a beautiful sight during the summers but tend to fade away in other seasons. Instead, research and go for beautiful evergreen plants and add the seasonal ones in between.

Paying Less Attention To An Irrigation System

Pay attention to the details that will matter later on. The key is to deliver a final product that keeps your clients happy. The home improvement industry is one with the second most complaints! To avoid having a share in this statistic, you have to think ahead of the situation.

Install a good system to water the plants, trees, and shrubs in the garden. Lay a piping line with a few taps so that the person watering doesn’t always have to buy long hoses. Sprinklers are another great option to keep the garden, fresh and well irrigated.

The trend and design should match the tone of the house and reflect the owner’s wishes. Renovating or promoting a garden space is a bit different from other projects, as along with work, you are also fulfilling your bigger purpose of making the concrete cities a little greener. Remain open to the idea of hiring a subcontractor if you feel the need for it, here are a few things to keep in mind while hiring one.

Since such projects can be expensive, your client may look for financing options. This could be a nice opportunity for you to seal the deal by providing them easy financing solutions. Partner with CustomFin and we will walk you through all the possibilities.

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