A well-guided team can perform miracles. After years of working together, familiarity can seep in, making some organizations a little too friendly. It eventually becomes a problem as professionalism drops. There might also be chances of friction between team members or unfavorable conditions in the office.

If you see things of these sorts happening with your business, you need to reconsider your business rules & policies. Rules are important to maintain professionalism. It also contributes to efficiency in workflow, as rules apply to all levels of an organization. However, there are some things to keep in mind while making these changes.

Identify The Problem

Before setting these changes into effect, identify the core problem that you are facing internally. These problems usually have a source of origin. For example: Are you dealing with late assignments? Maybe your employees are taking many long breaks.

After the problem and its source are identified, you can think of a way around them. The new rules should target those sources, destroying them altogether.


When you sit down to think of the rules, your mind might bombard you with many options to choose from. Some a bit lenient, some strict, and some just plain outrageous.

It is a good option to take a second opinion, or in this case, several opinions! Since you handpick the people you are working with, why not give them a say? Conduct a survey with your employees on which rules they think should be implemented. This will build a feeling of trust and mutual respect between you and your team.

Don’t Throw Sudden Changes Into Effect

Impulsive and rash decisions often lead to bigger problems than ones you were trying to solve. There will be cases when your team underperforms according to their standards. Making hasty changes to fix that can backfire on you.

Any changes you make as the leader will affect everyone working with you. That is why these should be well-thought and planned out. You should weigh all of its aspects. If possible, have a group discussion first about the changes coming into effect rather than just dropping a mail.

Avoid Extremes

There is a fine line between being structured and being too strict. Getting on the latter part of the spectrum will hurt your workflow instead of helping it.

Unhappy employees will have less regard for the work and for the organization. This will harm both ongoing and future projects. But, on the other hand, being too lenient will make them lazy. Kid-glove treatment for your staff is a bad idea. The staff should understand the aim of the new rules set in place. Make sure that they focus on the merits.

The right set of rules avoids both extremes. These will help restore productivity to your business. If it still does not, consider letting go of some dead weight off your team.

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