The home improvement industry is constantly changing. There are new trends that come in, some that resurface, and a few that fade away. A successful business adapts to the surrounding changes. One change that came about unexpectedly was the COVID-19 pandemic. 

We are one year down the peak, and it still haunts businesses. The best way to counter this is to make the right changes. Making these will help you overcome the pandemic and run a profitable home improvement business. 


Contactless Experience

The COVID-19 virus is contagious. It spreads through air and point of contact. So, in order to work against it, strive to give a minimal contact experience to your client. 

This starts at the query. Make yourself available to take queries on voice and video calls for customers who do not feel comfortable visiting the office yet. You can also do site inspections via video calls. When the deal is finalized, replace paper with digital copies (this includes the contract). Try to keep the contact minimal at the time of work too. Using technology wisely can help you out. 

Working With Less Staff 

These times have left contractors working with a short staff at all times. Some may be sick and not available to report. The other reason is because of the social distancing norms. It is advised to stay 6-feet apart from each other. This means that you can no longer have the same number of people working in a small area. 

Make your plans keeping this 50% capacity in mind. An efficient plan plays to the strengths of the staff, using their talents to improve the speed of work. You can call people on alternative days to work. Another idea is taking up more projects and dividing your teams according to the amount of work. 

Following Issued Guidelines 

The CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) works tirelessly and issues guidelines for people to follow. Keep a close eye on the changes and abide by the updated guidelines every time you go to work. Here are a few common ones: 


It is a good practice if everyone in your institution wears a proper mask. Masks are a proven way to deal with the airborne nature of the virus. It is safer for people to work close to each other if they are wearing masks. Issue disposable masks that can be used while working. You can do this at the start of each day. 

Temperature Check 

The most common symptom of this pandemic is the increase in temperature. Perform temperature checks at every 2-hour interval. A non-contact infrared thermometer is best for this situation. The CDC classifies temperatures above 100.8 degrees Fahrenheit under a fever. While going beyond that temperature is not a definite sign of COVID-19, that person can be asked to take further tests. 

These changes are not final. It can change for better or for worse depending on the situation. It will seem strange but this is the new normal for the home improvement industry because of the pandemic. 

We make our blogs to increase your knowledge. We at CustomFin also offer easy payment options to your customers so that you can close more deals. 

Get started now and grow your business.


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