California wildfires in the summer of 2020, ignited across the state, have turned out to be threatening for rural & suburban communities. Although it’s a perennial season in California, this time the situation is increasing by the day and causing widespread destruction. According to the New York Times, approximately 2 million acres of land is burnt already across the state this year, which makes it more prominent and dangerous than the one in 2018. Laborers had to evacuate, and a state of emergency was declared in five counties.

Many people who lost their entire houses and businesses to the fire are intending to claim insurance, but experts have said that the project might take over a year to complete. For others, who were fortunate to get away with a few damages will soon be requiring the assistance of home improvement contractors. More than looking at it as another business opportunity, as a contractor, it’s time for you to show your support to these families. Here are a few things to keep in mind while approaching such a situation.


Assessing The Home’s Structural Damages And Tending To Them First

Before starting the project, the first order of business should be assessing the damages to the structure. Areas like the foundation of the home, the walls bearing the interior load, and any pillars/structure with a major joint, should be given special attention. Next, check the floors or attic (if present), and likewise continue inspecting the entire home.

Once you’ve discussed the extent of damages and your plan with your client, it’s time to begin the restoration process. First, tend to foundational damages. It will strengthen the foundation of your client’s house and reduce the chances of challenges in the course of the restoration process. Other minor restorations like furniture, paint, etc. can go later.


Avoiding Price Gouging

As a professional, you should not take superfluous advantage of such a calamity to raise prices of your services, unless done so for an unavoidable reason like increased cost of raw material. According to the penal code, section 396, in such state of emergencies, it is against the law to inflate the rates of consumer items more than 10 percent of the prices usually charged.

However, in some cases, rising price is not considered unfair for contractors if you can prove its correlation with the increase in the cost of the goods invested.


Installing Precautionary Measures For The Future

Any disaster induces a sense of fear, especially in areas like California where it’s a perennial season. Hence, while working on such remodeling projects, you should install precautionary devices to future-proof the property.

For starters, installing quality smoke detectors and sprinkler systems alerts the homeowner about the problem and allows them to take quick countermeasures. The next thing would be installing a fire extinguisher at accessible places. The new design can also be customized accordingly; you can clear any combustible garden or vegetation near the home.


Providing Financial Assistance

Such restorations can cost a fortune to your clients. While losing their house to fire is already a traumatic incident, procuring such funds can be more difficult for them. Neither is it a DIY task as restoring the mess that such disasters create should be handled by the professionals only. As their contractor, you should make sure that you’re there to support them. You can provide them with easy financing options. Wondering how?

Sign up with us to provide financing to your clients. We have helped many contractors build their customers’ dreams to reality and put smiles on their faces.