Part of handling a project means successfully coordinating with numerous people. Before starting, you might have a solid plan to follow. Clear do’s and don’ts for each member involved with that project.

Unfortunately, everything going just like the way you predicted is an impossible scenario. More often than not, you will be dealing with multiple things going wrong, sometimes all at once! Once this starts, pandemonium ensues. The key to handling such a dire situation is by staying calm. But at that moment, these words will seem to be easier said than done.

That is why we have come up with a guide for you to follow to stay calm when a project goes south.

Take A Breather

Action calls for a reaction. Whenever something happens, good or bad, people react. When so many things go wrong at the same time, you will be tempted to take a step immediately to restore balance. Do not do that.

Until and unless you have experienced similar situations hundreds of times, do not take immediate action. Instead, take a step back from the confusion. This gives your mind space to think. There is an increased success rate from decisions that are made with a clear head as compared to when the mind is under stress.

Bird’s-eye View

Once you took a step back and got some time to think, change your perspective. A good solution won’t come if you keep looking at the problem with the same view that caused it to happen in the first place.

To solve multiple problems, you must see them from a collective angle. Draw the lines back to where the plan started to fall apart. From there you will be able to see all the problems branching out. Tackle each of them one by one or try to implement a strategy to solve many problems with a few steps.

Consult If Required

A successful contractor knows when they need help. There will always be someone who was in similar shoes. This can be a mentor or even a fellow contractor.

Seek guidance if you are feeling stumped. Some people think of this as accepting defeat to the problem. On the contrary, asking for help when needed shows maturity and ability to grow. It will also help solve the problem with the least number of repercussions. Steps like these are where most contractors fall short.

Call For Calm

To take full control of the situation, you need to stay calm. Even if the problems are big and you are staring right at them, staying calm can do wonders.

More importantly, it’s not just you! As the leader, it is your responsibility to unify your employees during a crisis. Call a meeting to accept the problems and rile your employees to work towards a solution. Avoid blaming a single person or a team even if it was their fault. Positive words can help solve the problem together with your team.

Implement the changes and make notes of the problems as it is happening. This will prepare you for the future. Apart from this, you should also know how to navigate your firm to success by making most of the happy times as well.

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