The work environment can be complex at times. Your employees differ in personalities, interests, likes & dislikes. Thus, finding the perfect balance between everything can be challenging. Some employers tighten the rope a bit too much, creating a very strict and lifeless workplace.

When asked, many employees, in general, are unhappy with their work environment. But being too strict is not the only wrong employers do; some try to overcompensate and handle their employees with kid-gloves. Any extreme of this spectrum is not advised. Here are the reasons why managing your staff with ‘extra care’ is bad for your business.

Possibility Of Getting Too Casual

There is a line distinguishing the employer and the employee that should be upheld and respected at all times. Not only is it basic office etiquette, but it also helps in maintaining a clear and understandable hierarchy in the workplace.

That line becomes blurry when you get too friendly with your staff.

Rules Will Be Taken Lightly

Since they are working in a lenient workplace, there is a much-increased chance of them breaking office rules.

This does not necessarily mean huge blunders, but it can start with clocking in late, leaving early, taking too many breaks, etc. Such instances might not seem like a big deal, but when a group of people does this daily, it will disrupt the workflow.

Dampen The Learning Curve

Each human being is different from the other. While some of your staff could benefit from positive notes, others are fuelled by negative criticism mixed with positive.

The easy-going environment will kill their urge to learn and grow.

Induce Laziness

Continuous working in such a laid back environment will slowly prompt laziness in your staff. With a much easy schedule and deadlines, added to their bosses not putting that extra pressure, could end up in staff members having no interest in work and lacking seriousness.

Will Affect Their Future Performances

Everyone grows at a different pace, even in the same office environment. Being in this one will not mean that your employees won’t grow; it will just slow down the growth speed and growth potential.

A few years down the lane, either your staff will continue with you or naturally look for new jobs. But, a lenient workplace will affect all their future performances as they might lack the ability to soak increased pressure and stricter deadlines.

Fail To See The Bigger Picture

Every business owner wants their business to grow. Similarly, you would want a team of winners that understands company goals and work in full flow to achieve those. Being able to notice the bigger picture and where the employer wants to see the company in a few years is what distinguishes good employees from the others.

A lazy set of employees will not work hard enough for your goals and will fail to see or agree with the company’s direction of success.

Your staff is your biggest asset in which you invest your time and effort. They pay you back with their performances. Are you wondering why not hire subcontractors & save the hassle? Direct employment always gains ground over subcontracting in terms of reliability & is the key to success.

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