One of the worst things that can happen in the home improvement business is you losing control over your project because of careless time management, and allowing the delay to creep in. Any delay in the project could make your life as a contractor more difficult as then you would either have to inform the client who might not take it well or speed up the project which could end up in substandard results.

Projects differ in their scale and, goes without saying, with large scale projects there are more chances of you pushing the pre-set schedule. But we’ve got your back! Here are some tips that will definitely help you better manage your time and your project.

Divide Your Plan

As soon as you start on a project, the first thing you should do is charting up a plan, be it rough or fair. Time management doesn’t start late into the project but from the earliest phase itself. The planning phase is important to make sure you meet the deadlines.

Now, instead of going with one big plan, break it out and divide it into smaller milestones. Aim for daily and weekly objectives, and keep track of them. This will also help you delegate tasks effectively as everyone involved will know their responsibilities and will have different deadlines for individual milestones.


Make Room For Errors

It is amateur to expect that everything will exactly go according to the first laid out plan. Always have back-up plans if and when something goes wrong. Consider common problems while determining timelines, like a delay in delivery of materials required or the absence of some workers, and be ready with solutions for as many of them as possible beforehand.

Stay alert & keep a check on the weather forecast to predict any change that may derail your objectives, and make changes to your plan accordingly. Also, keep in mind present challenges you may come across due to COVID-19; you can check out our blog on the new normal for the improvement industry because of the pandemic to take appropriate measures.


Have Clear Delegation

The way you delegate the work can make or break the entire time frame of the project. Delegate work which has more responsibilities to experienced people, and make your plan in such a way that you don’t have to micromanage each and every task. If you don’t have someone who can do a particular job, don’t risk the project; instead, hire a subcontractor to take up those responsibilities.

Organize small meetings to take regular feedback and to check-up on the progress that each one is making. Remember, when each cog turns at it as planned, you will see your project unfold at a much faster pace and with far lesser complications.

Providing a finished project to your client, having met both high-quality standards and deadlines, will make you more reliable in their eyes and ensure a long-lasting customer relationship. Here are some further tips to help you grow your business. You can also improve your business by providing additional services to your clients.

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