Businesses are always concerned about making sales and acquiring new customers, but the key to success lies in your regular clients. Long term customers are the pillars of a business. They reflect upon the quality of your services. While you may be able to acquire a small home improvement project through marketing tricks, if you do not focus on client satisfaction, then that might be your last deal in the house. So, along with the investments you make for your assets or marketing, you must invest your time, effort, and money on maintaining a healthy relationship with your clients.

Today, we will be looking at 6 key tips to build and maintain a desirable relationship with your clients.

1. Get To Know Your Clients Better

The people approaching you may have a rough plan, or may not have a clue on how to approach the project in hand. It is up to you to understand what your client requires, and what is their ideal case scenario. The client only chooses to hire you based on the plan you present to them. Make sure you are providing satisfactory answers to questions like:

  • What are their goals from this project?
  • Why are they looking for a contractor for this job?


2. Treat Each Client Uniquely

Every homeowner would have a unique requirement. While you should have your basic pitch ready always, you need to alter details during your client presentation keeping their unique needs in mind. Understand what exactly do they want, and what is their style and preference when working on the pitch.
You should also turn your actions according to client preferences & behaviour. Some may be more open with you entering and exiting their property while the others might be a bit conservative. If you understand these details in advance, you can avoid a mess later down the road.


3. Clear Communication

You should be able to establish a clear & preferable way of communication right from the beginning of your project. Lack of clarity can turn out to be misleading for your clients and land them into surprises later, which is not a good situation for either party. Also, remember that everyone has their preferences; while some might be welcoming to your confirmation & query phone calls, others might get irritated if you bother them time and again. Determine an effective means of communication that is suitable for you and your client.


4. Exceed Expectations

Many times, the difference between a good experience and a great experience is how satisfied the clients are by choosing you for their project. If they have a plan for their project, don’t hold back on giving them a few professional advice or suggestions. Keep them in the loop all time; go above and beyond to make sure that they have a great overall experience. Completing the job is not about wrapping it up fast, but ensuring quality in the services you provide.


5. Ask For Feedback

There is always room and scope for improvement, no matter how long you have been working in the industry. You can reflect on your work to come up with improvements. One of the most important determiners of business improvement is client feedback. Having experienced your work first hand, they would be able to provide quality feedback. Implement those to improve and grow your business; it also shows that you care about your clients’ feedback and strengthens their trust for your brand.


6. Reward Your Clients

In addition to making their experience of working with you memorable, continually reward your clients. It helps you retain your existing clients. Start a referral program that rewards them directly when they bring a new friend or family member to your client list; you can also provide them with additional discounts or offers that reward them for being loyal to you. All this will help cement your image and improve engagement.


We are sure that this read will help you nail your next deal and maintain a lasting client relationship. But to run a business successfully, you have to focus on every challenge with excellence. Insufficient finance is often one of the drawbacks for your client. Is your client ready to pay the money required to start their dream project? If you’re still waiting for their answer, it’s time to make a move.

Provide your client with easy financing solutions & get ready to crack the deal. Sign up with us to know more.