When it comes to buying a new air conditioning unit there are many factors that your customers should consider before making a decision, so they will come to you for your professional opinion. The decision to buy one or the other will influence cost, energy efficiency and ease of installation, so it’s very important that you understand your customers’ needs so you can guide them to a successful purchase.

CustomFin brings you a list of the pros and cons of window units vs. central air to make sure your customers get the unit that best fits their needs and are completely satisfied.

Central Air

  • Uniform Air Distribution: With this unit the temperature and air distribution will always be constant and uniform throughout the house.
  • It’s much more convenient as your customers will simply have to adjust the thermostat to adjust the temperature of the entire house rather than adjusting each room separately.
  • It’s very discreet inside the home, your customers will love having no visible appliances or tubes other than the vents and thermometer. It’s also very quiet.
  • The central air filters are very effective, which will give your customer cleaner, particle-free air as the house cools down.
  • In case your customers want to move, the central air gives a good resale value to the house which will give them the opportunity to recoup some of their investment.

Central Air Cons:

  • The installation is complex and invasive by having to open parts of the attic, basement or walls to accommodate pipes and gratings.
  • The cost of entry is very high and this is perhaps the biggest obstacle for your customers. Also, if you have to open parts of the walls increases the cost by having to replace the drywall, paint and labor.
  • Temperature and fresh air will be all over the house, even in those places where your customers don’t want it, so if everyone doesn’t agree this will be a problem.
  • Central air is generally more expensive to operate, so your customers may receive higher electricity bills.





Window Units Pros:

  • The cost of the unit and installation is much cheaper than installing a central air unit.
  • It is a very flexible system, your customers can choose in which rooms of the house to place a unit and in which not.
  • It is a very easy system to repair and even if its useful life came to an end it is much easier and cheaper to replace it.
  • They use less energy and by being separate and not using them all at once they won’t have a big impact on your customer’s energy bill.

Window Unit Cons:

 These units limit air conditioning to a single room, so your customers will face different climates inside their home.

  • They are always visible and also block part of the view through the window.
  • They do not add any selling value to the house.
  • These units need to be installed in the spring and removed and stored in the fall, which means work and storage space that many times your customers don’t have.

Regardless of the unit your customers choose, help them complete their purchase process and help them obtain a loan that makes them feel comfortable without worrying about all the paperwork, which is easy and efficient.

With the power and simplicity of CustomFin it will be very easy to offer financing to all your customers. Providing financing will generate more sales and lead to happier and more satisfied customers. Contact us today and start financing now!