There are many trends that come and go in the housing industry in terms of efficiency and styling. The old shed-like roofs have made way for flatter, more spacious ones, the piping for water circulation has seen changes, and likewise, many things have changed over the years.

Moving another step forward to innovation, these days there’s an inclination towards energy-efficient houses around the globe with a recent one in Toronto making headlines as it managed to note a considerable 50% reduction in energy consumption. Did you know that? As a home improvement contractor, you need to keep up with the latest trends to impress your client with reliable and out-of-the-box solutions. In this blog, we’re going to take you through everything you need to know about energy-efficient houses.


What is Energy Efficiency?

In simple terms, energy efficiency means cutting down energy consumption without compromising on results. With problems like global warming on the rise, many people are adapting to an energy-conserving lifestyle and making changes around them to fit those criteria. Today, responsible organizations around the world are switching to energy-efficient solutions like installation of solar panels or merely using light bulbs that illuminate the room well while consuming less electricity.

The Average Joe’s Home

An ordinary home consumes huge amounts of energy to sustain itself. We are surrounded by devices like air conditioning, heater, refrigerator which have made our lives easy but can we really call them smart? As a contractor, it’s your responsibility to educate your client about energy efficiency while remodelling their houses.

Energy Efficient Homes

Many different idea and techniques can be used to shape an energy-efficient house. The key is understanding the place’s climate and trying to use as many factors surrounding the house to its benefit as possible. Here are some easy tips for you.

Identify the area which enjoys a direct exposure to the sun; now to reduce the effect of heat, you can install a shade to bring down the temperature of the house naturally during summers. However, not all windows should be covered so that people can make use of natural light. Insulating the house can also help. The use of materials that reflect light, reducing the absorption of heat can help maintain the right temperature. On the contrary, for cold climate areas, using techniques to capture natural light can prove to be beneficial.

Installing solar panels or solar thermals to generate electricity is another way of saving energy efficiently.

Need For Such Changes

Many people are now growing aware of the abuse of energy by human beings and want to take steps to control such exploitation. Not only it benefits the environment but can turn to be economical for the owner. Here’s how:


Homeowners avoid investing in upgrading their houses to an energy-efficient space because of the cost involved; little do they realize that it brings down the recurring cost of utility bills like electricity. For instance, installing solar panels can drastically cut down their electricity bills.


Changes like these will ease the burden on your pockets and are environment-friendly, too. Fewer toxic emissions and lesser energy consumption will go a long way in restoring the climate to what it was before.

Setting an Example

Renovating or building an energy-saving house will set an example in the neighbourhood and could even be the reason for others switching over to a similar setup.

This is one of the few trends which is here to stay. Renovating the house and office space to minimize waste and maximize the efficient use of energy is an answer to both human and environmental challenges. However, it is one thing to say and the other to execute. Such projects can demand thousands of dollars which your customer might not be ready to pay. Thus, you should make sure to offer them a solution while proposing them an energy-efficient plan. We at CustomFin help finance home improvement projects for your clients. Partner with us and become a part of their financing solution as well.

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