The Coronavirus pandemic meant substantial changes in the day-to-day life of people worldwide. One of these changes was observing extreme lockdown to dwindle the impact of the virus. It largely impacted the work-life as people had to work from their respective homes.

However, this new trend cannot stay forever. Many industries function better with direct face-to-face communication rather than video conferences which means that eventually, people will have to shift back to their offices even if it is for some days in a week. While people may start going to offices, social distancing will still be a concern. As a contractor, you need to look to the future to predict such changes in the industry. For them to feel safe in offices, companies will require your assistance to make the workspaces “smarter” and reduce the spread of the virus. Let’s explore it in detail.

Major Changes In Workplaces

Gone are the days of open floor workspaces that encouraged socializing and sharing of basic resources. The new office environment calls for drastic changes to prevent the spread of coronavirus. Most likely, the open office systems can be turned into small, clustered & distanced seating. People working in teams could operate well in this system while keeping minimal contact with others.

Another change that might gain traction is the use of large 6-feet desks to follow social distancing while working for long hours. In such a case, every seat should have an individual sanitizer dispenser, and see-through barriers can be mounted to separate the desks. Individual stationery-storage areas can be provided at every desk to avoid the sharing of resources.


Contactless World Ahead

With video conferencing on the rise, many offices might want to remodel their large conference rooms into smaller video meeting rooms. Keyless entries to office premises will go a long way knowing that the virus has the ability to stay alive on the surface. The office washrooms would also require changes like the introduction of motion-sensing faucets and air hand dryers to minimize contact. You can suggest the use of smart lighting systems with vice or gesture control to negate the shared use of switches.


Changes To The Air Distribution System

COVID-19 is an airborne virus, and we need to control its spread through the air. The heating or cooling system plays an integral part here. It determines if the outside air should be allowed in the office environment or not. You should make sure that your client’s air distribution systems are in good condition, and facilitate the entry of outside air in office spaces. Outdoor air improves the air quality in enclosed areas, otherwise, air distribution systems keep circulating unhealthy, recycled air. Air purifiers should also be installed for safety.


The pandemic has created a world that is changing and adapting at a fast pace. With us at CustomFin, you can keep yourself updated with the latest trends and tips to grow your business. And while you suggest your clients to immune their office to coronavirus, do not forget that changes like these mean huge cost involvement. Your customers might not be ready, especially after the economic crisis due to COVID-19. Do not let this come in the way of your business.

Sign up with CustomFin to provide them with easy finance options.

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