It’s very likely that your customers aren’t planning to use their pool in the near future, but that doesn’t mean they should forget about maintenance. In fact, this fall may be the perfect time for your customers to solve those problems they have with their pool cover, so they’ll have it ready when the sunny, hot days come again.

This time we want to offer you 5 signs that your customers should recognize to seek your professional help when they need to update and improve the liner and appearance of their pool.

1.  Stains that don’t go away

Swimming pools can begin to fade and stain over the years, but there are also other factors that can cause stains such as chemicals or natural residues that were not removed in time. So, if your customers have to struggle with some stains during their cleaning routine and lose in the attempt, it’s a signal to them that they should update their pool liner soon.

2. Leaks

Perhaps as a result of poor pool construction or poor workmanship, your customers will be able to identify wet spots on the lawn near the pool area, cracks in the concrete or accelerated evaporation of water in their pool. It is at this point that they should think about calling you immediately to review and help them solve the problem.

3. Eroded surface

Quality pool rejuvenation materials give your customers years of use, but it doesn’t mean they’ll last forever. If your customers discover signs such as tears in the bottom, rough spots on the walls and bottom, cracks or even if the water is very cloudy they should ask for your presence and advice as they are great signs that they need to resurface their pool.

4. Loose Tile

Some of your customers may have pools with tile surfaces and whether it’s wear and tear or improper installation issues, at some point small parts may start to come loose or break causing an accident in the pool. Your customers should be alert to these types of drawbacks, as it is a clear reason they need to resurface their pool.

5. More Glamour

Resurfacing the pool will not only bring your customers functional but also aesthetic benefits. If your customers feel it’s time to update the appearance of their pool, you can offer them several ideas to make their pool that harmonious place they see in spas or resorts, but in the convenience of having it in their backyard.

A swimming pool is a place of relaxation and fun for the whole family, so be sure to give the best quality to your customers. Use all your expertise and creativity to meet all their needs and help them achieve a safe and harmonious place in the comfort of their own home.

If you need to offer financing to your customers to resurface their pool, contact us today!

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