Every home improvement activity brings about a change in your house. It can be a basic change of paint to renovating the area and everything in between. Besides the indoor, the outdoor area of a house is an opportunity waiting to be taken advantage of.

The first thing to suggest is the patio. If your client already has one, you can suggest something that is trending these days—a gazebo. There are many ways to construct a gazebo. A great one to consider is a wall-mounted gazebo. These utilize space and improve the look of the house.

What Is A Wall-Mounted Gazebo?

Before you look for an answer to that, you should know what a gazebo is. A gazebo is an outdoor structure that has a roof. They are usually placed in parks and other open areas with a view. Another feature is that they mostly have a hexagonal or octagonal shape.

As the name suggests, a wall-mounted gazebo is a space that is attached to the wall of the house. The frame of its roof extends from the wall to provide an extended outside area. These can be used to cover the patio or deck area.

There are many benefits to have one installed, let’s go over a few of them.

Ability To Enhance Other Additions

As discussed above, if your client has any type of outdoor area setup, it can complement that. Not only will the gazebo improve the look, but it will also act as a basic shelter against the elements.

This means that the deck that was only usable for one particular season can now be used any day throughout the year. It can also go well with a dramatic outdoor shower.


The area made after adding the gazebo can be multi-functional. This can be used for a cozy outdoor dinner with family and friends. It can be decorated to create a party environment. On a different note from the social point of view, they can be a place to sit back, relax and just enjoy the view.

Close To House

The outdoor setting is good, but having proximity to the indoors is key most of the time. For instance, if the owners are having an outdoor dinner, they would want easy access to their kitchen.

This gazebo is quite literally stuck to your wall, so it will always provide a close presence to the house. If your client wishes to eliminate these to-and-fro trips, you could suggest them an outdoor kitchen.

Good Option For Smaller Places

Let’s be practical, not every homeowner has a big lawn and outdoor area. A gazebo sounds like something that most homeowners would love to have.

If someone with a small outdoor area wishes for a gazebo, the wall-mounted one will surely make them happy.

A Stylish Addition

Some home additions offer functionality while others enhance looks. This is an addition that can do both.

When done correctly, it can be a stylish addition to the house and improve its value.

A gazebo comes under one of the most sought out additions, knowing the basics will help you respond to queries better. Since it is an outdoor addition, you should know about the building materials that can survive the harsh climate.

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