In every industry, there are two ways to approach any project. Either you take the path which is marked by technological advancements in your field, or you choose to stay true to the traditional ways of doing things.

There are positives and negatives to both approaches. Many times, it is the people who have spent a lot of time in the industry opting to stick with the old school methods, even planning a renovation. And when you put yourself in their shoes, you might think, too, why not? Why should they change their way of tackling a project when the old ways have worked well during the past years? And a bigger question for you is, should you be following their success story word-by-word?

Here are the answers to that.

Not One Eye On The Future

One of the main things that slip off because of the rigidness is the ability to sniff out future problems. Sure, it would have worked for old-school contractors in the past and present. That fact does not mean that the same set of rules will apply successfully to the future of the renovation industry as well.

The COVID 19 scenario is a perfect example of that. The changes after the virus saw huge brands fall and other businesses like the hand sanitizer business rise. Although that was an unpredictable shift, there is a lesson to be learned here. You need to stay updated with the world and always keep an eye on the future so that you’re ready to tackle any change that may come your way.

Setting In A Comfort Zone

Many years of following the same style and way of doing things will create a comfort zone. That is very dangerous in the remodeling world as it is fast-paced and requires you to often work outside your comfort zone.

Staying there will eventually kill your hunger for innovation. It can grow your business stale and, ultimately, a failure.

Lacking Energy Efficient Methods

New and improved methods make way for huge savings as well. Did you know that the latest designs have the potential to save up to 50% of energy?

They use new technologies & trends that not only include installing expensive elements like solar panels but also require figuring out the best ways to use the natural environment to their favor & reduce energy consumption. With sustainability a global concern, these trends are growing popular; this is another concern why you should not stick to the old ideas.

Lack Of Latest Technology

Sticking to old school methods means straying away from the latest technologies. The clients reading about or witnessing these changes can ask you to incorporate some in the plan?

Many options like the inclusion of smart locks and cameras connected over Wi-Fi play a significant part in home security whereas, others like smart kitchens improve efficiency & reduce wastage. These are things that the homeowners might want in their new home, making it your job to keep up with these trends.

It is not limited to the changes that you can make to your client’s project when you shake hands with technology; it can help you too. Using power tools can bring precision to your work and enhance your speed. It’s not just hardware, but tools like real-time job costing software can help you get the most out of your team.

At CustomFin, we help you with tips to stay ahead of your competitors (so stay tuned!), and that is not everything. We also help businesses solve their clients’ financing problems and fulfill their dreams.

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