In any business, there is a flow of customers. They come, stay for your product but some of them leave. There are some business models that don’t look after the clients and pay little to no attention to the ones lost. Their sole target is to continuously gain new ones so that the profit margin remains unaffected.

This is the wrong way to go for many reasons, a simple one being that a huge number of unsatisfied customers will bring down your business reputation as they lose their trust in you.

Earning back anyone’s trust for the second time is usually more difficult. You need to be more careful as you have definitely let them down in one way or the other. Let’s go over what you could do to regain that all-important trust.

Ask About The Issue

Anyone who decided not to contact you in the future will have a reason behind it. Ask them exactly what it was that pushed them to switch over. You have to be patient as not all people speak openly about the problems they faced; they would just switch over quietly to your competitor instead.

Do not ask the same questions from everyone. Take their project into account, study the shortcomings, and ask them targeted questions. This will show further that you actually care about their feedback.

Accept & Apologize

The reason can be any—your services, the pricing, or subpar work quality. Whatever it may be, accept your mistake and apologize to your client. You have cost them their precious time and money. Taking up responsibilities will let them know that you know your mistakes, and a promise to fix them in the future should they re-connect with you will go a long way in mending that relation.

Get To The Root Of The Problem

After going over a few failures, you will start to see a pattern. Observe carefully and pin-point the exact mistakes that you or your team are making. Find a solution that you could apply easily. Play the solution out on the failed projects as mock and see if it would have prevented the problem; if the answer is ‘Yes’, then you’ve found your ideal solution.

The mistakes could be repetitive or a one-time mistake during a specific project. If it’s the former, assemble your team and let them know the improvements you can do to fix those.

Hire A Good Customer Support Team

A dedicated team handling a task will give better results than simple forms. Hire a team of trusted people to provide answers to the various common questions of your clients.

They can be further trained to gather data or answer their complex questions, too. A good team will help you uncover the problems faster, allowing you to resolve them quickly. This will imbue a sense of trust back into your client.

Following these points might help you fix your mistakes and enhance that client-contractor relationship. Make sure that the next time they choose you, you provide them with some sort of additional incentive along with high-quality work to make up for the past failures.

We at CustomFin, help you solve your business problem and also provide an opportunity to solve your clients’ financing problems. And there couldn’t be a better incentive to provide than providing both home renovation and financial services at the same place.

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