A construction project requires raw materials to work. After you complete the project is an undesirable yet unavoidable by-product left to deal with and that is waste. 

Almost all processes produce waste of some form or the other. This is a big problem not for some industries but for everyone in the world. The world generates a humongous 2 billion tonnes of waste annually! Out of this, approximately 600 million tonnes come from the construction industry. 

But you can change the statistics with some simple measures for improving waste management during and after a project. Here are some tips to do that just right. 

Plan Ahead 

Account this into your plan from the start. The problem with many contractors is that they fail to understand the severity of the situation and the amount of waste generated. The waste generated can be minimized during working. Tie up with your vendor and order as much material as required with the option of buying more if needed. Ask them to reduce packaging wherever possible. 

Additionally, make a plan for the waste management process for after the work is done. Impromptu decisions aren’t that good when it comes to this. 


Waste segregation is a tried and tested method to successfully manage waste. Install color-coded bins at the site. These should be placed on each level where workers can reach them quickly. Ease of access promotes people to put the waste in the bin rather than the floor. Such segregation makes the clean-up process easier and faster. 

It is important to train your employees. They should know why you are doing this and more importantly how to do it. The color codes should be explained properly. Separate bins should be allocated to dry waste, wet waste, and e-waste. These can be divided into categories of their own. 

Recycle and Reuse 

Make provisions to recycle or reuse products. There could be an excess of some materials that you ordered. Provided that they are in good condition, you can store them up and use them again in other similar projects. This would require a good segregation process by which you can determine the materials that could be salvaged and used later. 

If you are sure that you won’t be using them anyway, contact your local recycling center and notify them of this waste. 

Some artists use waste products and turn them into beautiful sculptures! That means even if your waste is not usable directly, it can help. You can hire people who can create something meaningful out of it for everyone to enjoy. 

These can save you lots of trouble in the long run. If done carefully, they can help establish your name locally. People are aware of the waste generated around the globe. That is why they appreciate businesses that make changes to help the world. 

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