There are several problems that you will encounter during a remodeling project. Change of instructions from the client, delay in getting the material, and minor accidents are some to name.

However, many contractors fear severe weather over everything else. A change in weather can catch you off guard and derail the project, causing delays, accidents, and other mishaps. In this blog post, we’re going to help you with some tips to overcome this challenge.


Alternate Plans

A good contractor starts the project with a defined plan. It provides instructions as to who works on which part and how it all comes together for the result. This plan should include alternate routes.

These alternate routes activate as soon as the base plan encounters a major obstacle. Make provisions for a sudden change in weather and keep it as an alternate route. If you do not have one and are in this dilemma, redrawing your existing plan can save time.

Special Kit

The uniform worn by your employees should have variants to counter all weather. Change the material of the uniform. Here are some special considerations for an extreme change in circumstances

Heatwave (increased heat)

  • Lightweight uniform
  • Cooling breaks

Snow/Hail (increased cold)

  • Uniform with insulation
  • Heavy gloves and boots for working

Rainstorm (wet conditions)

  • Heaters and a change of uniform to avoid working when wet
  • Rain boots and raincoats

Training Drills

Equipping your staff with the best kit or making the right changes won’t count if they do not know how to handle themselves.

Conduct occasional training drills to deal with extreme weather. Explain the changes that they should expect and how that affects the way they work in the field. Also, explain all the changes in the kit and how it helps to counter the problems. Each one of your employees should understand how to adjust according to the weather change.

Emphasis On Safety

Accidents on site are common when extreme weather is involved. You can club the training drills together with safety drills. Rethink worksite safety measures with these tips.

For instance, have them practice working on a wet surface. This exercise can help prevent falls when working in rain.

Weather Forecasts

Weather forecast is your friend for the duration of the project. It is never 100% accurate, but after some trial and error, you will find a reliable source of prediction.

Work according to these predictions. Plan the day so that you are completing most of the work when conditions are favorable. Avoid working in severe conditions to keep problems at bay. On hot summer days, start your work early and give an extended break during peak afternoon. Weather forecasts provide additional information like sunrise and sunsets time that can be used to further tweak your plan.

Alter Your Contract

Severe weather usually means a delay in the project. Include this as a clause while making a contract. Let your customers know in advance that you will not be held responsible for the delays arising because of natural conditions.

This step safeguards you and prevents chances of friction between you and your customer in the future.

Apart from the severe working conditions, the weather affects the materials that come into contact with it. Consider using building materials that can survive the harsh climate.

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